Here at Comfort Media Group headquarters, we've done a lot of testing with video over the years. And, we've discovered that the correct length for your marketing video is 42 seconds. Lol, just kidding!

This is a deceptively complicated question with a lot of different answers depending on the type of video you want to produce, what platform it be uploaded to, and to what stage of the buyer's journey are you're marketing to.

As a general rule of thumb, most online marketing videos should be under two minutes. But, the appropriate length for your video project really depends on how and where you intend on using it. Most videos should be well thought out and planned before the cameras start rolling - our handy Video Planning Form can help with that. 

Below are what we consider runtime sweet spots for the following types of video, video platforms, and sales funnel stages. 

Types of Video:

Commercials/Promos: about 30 seconds

It may seem cliche, but 30 seconds is the average commercial length for a reason. It's also a friendly runtime for sharing on social media. 

Here's an example of a Mitsubishi ductless promo shot with John Cipollone, Inc. in Havertown, PA:

Case Study Video: 1:30-4:00

Using case studies is one of Comfort Media Group's core HVAC digital marketing concepts. More often than not, they're in the form of blog articles on your website, but adding a video with your post can dramatically increase its effectiveness.

While 1:30-4:00 is a decent rule of thumb for these videos, if the story you're telling is engaging enough (i.e. interesting homeowner, home, job, etc.), don't feel constrained by the 4:00 guideline. The popularity of TV shows like This Old House and Fixer Uppers shows that people are interested in watching and learning about home improvement projects.

In the example below, that we shot with ECI Comfort in Bensalem, PA, the combination of an interesting homeowner couple and the unique circumstances of the installation made us feel confident that some would watch beyond the 4:00 mark. And, its YouTube view count proved us right.


Contact Us About Case Studies For Your Buisness

Tutorial Videos: Both as long as they need to be and as short as possible.

When folks are searching for tutorial videos, they're likely anxious to get started on their task and interested in learning how to complete it in the least amount of time possible. In this case you should avoid any additional fluff in your video like lengthy introductions or excessive explanations. Just get to it.  Your viewers will appreciate it.

Here's an example of a ductless filter tutorial video we shot with John Cipollone, Inc. in Havertown, PA:

Educational/Informative Videos: 30 seconds - 2 minutes

Much like tutorial videos, you'll want to keep them as short as possible, but sometimes they need to be a little longer. Try and keep them under two minutes unless the subject matter demands more time and is still interesting and informative. 

Here's a quick, informative video about why you need your heater or furnace serviced on a yearly basis from ECI Comfort in Bensalem, PA:

Video Platforms:

Twitter: 20-45 seconds

Twitter is a platform designed around brevity and not necessarily the most ideal place to share your video as people quickly scroll by. If you're sharing video on the platform, keep it short.

Instagram: 30 seconds

Like Twitter, Instagram users aren't ones to stick around to watch a long video. In fact, Instagram imposes a 60 second limit 

Facebook: 24 - 90 seconds

Out of the major social networks, Facebook is the most video friendly. For the last couple of years, Facebook has been making video a priority in its news feed. Videos that come in between 24-90 seconds seem to perform the best when shared in-feed. 

Facebook Live is another great way to connect with customers while using video. You can broadcast for up to 4 hours and the longer you do so, the more viewers are to find you.

YouTube: 30 seconds - 4 minutes... or longer

YouTube is a much different platform than the social networks. Not only is YouTube the 2nd biggest search engine on the internet, but their users are there specifically to watch video. 

So, YouTube can be a place were you upload and store a lot of different types of videos and experiment with different runtimes. Your best shot at retaining someone's attention is in the 30 second to 4 minute range, but don't be afraid to upload some longer format video for those further along on their buyer's journey.

Contact Us About Creating Videos With CMG

Buyer's Journey or Sales Funnel Stages:

Ultimately, what should decide the length of your video is where you're looking to meet potential customers in their buyer's journey, or sales funnel. That should also help inform what platform you should plan on sharing your video.

Awareness Stage: 20 - 60 seconds

When marketing to folks in the awareness stage of their buyer's journey, the key is to keep it short. This makes sharing your video on social networks ideal.

Buyers at this stage are just beginning to express symptoms of a problem that your product might help them solve. Give them the information they're looking for in a short commercial or HVAC system promo to help steer them in the right direction. 

Remember, a majority of social network users are scrolling away. So, be sure to try and capture their attention at the beginning of your video to keep them interested. 

Consideration Stage: 1 - 2 minutes

In this stage, buyers have clearly defined their problem and they're actively looking information about solutions. 

You can meet the buyers at this stage with educational and informative videos on social media or on your website in a learning library or landing page where they can download a product brochure to learn more. 

Decision Stage: 1:30 - 4:00, or longer

Shoppers in the decision stage are ready to buy while they're gathering final information and deciding on whom they're going to buy from.

This is your chance to show them that you're the expert and an HVAC thought leader in their area. Make sure to show them relevant case study and testimonials videos. Though we recommend a length between 1:30 - 4:00, some customers are willing and excited to watch longer as long as there continues to be informative or entertaining content.

These will make them feel more comfortable and confident that yours is the company that understands and can fix their pain points.

Download the HVAC Marketing Video Planning Form

There is a lot to consider when you're looking to produce any kind of video for your HVAC marketing strategy. That's why we created the HVAC Video Planning Form. 

We use this form when we work with clients to help us plan and organize our thoughts for their video project. 

We've made it into a free download so it can help you with your next big video idea as well.

Download the video planning form

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Video Marketing

Dan Kelly

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